This One Thing Podcast

Content in Christ: Philippians 4:12 | Episode 61

Kerri Kenyon Dern Season 3 Episode 61

Thank you for joining us for "This One Thing". This week Melina Puente and Crystal Wright discuss the journey toward contentment and gratitude that each follower of Jesus makes as they learn to identify with the life of Christ in all circumstances.  Paul articulates his own personal journey in the letter he writes from prison to his friends in the Philippian church who are also experiencing persecution as he writes these words in Philippians 4:12, "I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

What is this secret to being content no matter our life circumstances? Melina and Crystal discuss that at the heart of this mystery is a focus on entering into the life and story of Jesus himself.  Christ himself gave up heaven, lived alongside humanity, humbled himself, suffered, died, and was resurrected to glory. All those who put their trust in Him are now invited into seeing their own lives as a lived expression of the Jesus story, and the immeasurable contentment and gratitude formed through being a part of the life and love given through Christ. We pray that as you continue to face life's circumstances, both the blessings and the hardships, what is formed in you is increased faith in God's love and provision for you, and the treasure of being content in Christ.