This One Thing Podcast
ONE Verse - ONE Truth - ONE Choice" THIS ONE THING I ask of the LORD—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD’s perfections and meditating in his Temple." Psalm 27:4 Our world is in turmoil, our nation is in crisis, many of us are experiencing fear and anxiety as we face an uncertain future. We cannot control most of the circumstances that feel chaotic around us but we can choose to focus our eyes and attention on The One who holds our future. He is still sovereign and sits on the throne over all things. He sees us and He has not abandoned us. Now, more than ever, we must look to Him. He is our comfort, our Truth and our future! Join us each week as we prayerfully commit to King David's plea in Psalm 27:4 by actively seeking His presence, knowing Him intimately and meditating together on His Word. When more of Him is our "One Thing" we will find peace, hope and joy, allowing us to be His light no matter how dark it appears to be around us!
78 episodes
True Refuge: Psalm 62:8 | Episode 74
Welcome to a new episode of "This One Thing" as Crystal Wright and Melina Puente share the inspiration penned by David in Psalm 62. His quiet expectation of God and an invitation to experience Him as our refuge is highlighted in verse 8, “O ...
Season 3
Episode 74

Mother's Day Part 2: Isaiah 66:13 | Episode 15
Kerri's Mom, Carol Kenyon, returns for the second installment of this special two part episode celebrating Mother's Day. Join as we make a choice to posture ourselves in humility before Almighty God, fully receiving His promise to us through th...
Season 1
Episode 15

Mother's Day Part 1: Isaiah 66:13 | Episode 14
Kerri's Mom, Carol Kenyon, joins us once again for this special two part episode celebrating Mother's Day. Together we discuss God's extraordinary promise to us through the prophet Isaiah, "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you...
Season 1
Episode 14

Fearless Faith: Mark 5:27 | Episode 53
Enjoy our Unfettered Favorite Replay this week.Welcome to another week of "This One Thing" where Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright head back into the book of Mark to examine a faith encounter Jesus had with a desperate and rejecte...
Season 3
Episode 53

Living Hope: 1 Peter 1:3 | Episode 73
Happy Easter! In this week’s episode, Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright celebrate the gift of the resurrection by meditating on Peter’s exhortation to the early church to remember that they have been given mercy, new life, and a living ho...
Season 3
Episode 73

Sanctuary in Suffering: Psalm 138 | Episode 72
This week on “This One Thing” Kerri Kenyon Dern recounts a personal health crisis she recently endured and how God sustained her with His peace and comfort as reflected in Psalm 138:7, “Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will protect me...
Season 3
Episode 72

Foolishness or Power?: 1 Corinthians 1:18 | Episode 71
Welcome to another episode of "This One Thing". This week Crystal Wright and Melina Puente discuss the wordplay Paul uses between wisdom and foolishness with regard to the message of the Cross and the power of the gospel in the lives of thos...
Season 3
Episode 71

REPLAY///Pots of Clay: Isaiah 64:8 | Episode 5
Enjoy Melina’s replay pick this week, a great reminder of the promise, that no matter what we are going through, God has not and will not abandon us. ***NEW EPISODES coming next week! ***Join Kerri and guest Melina Puente as they...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ready for Rescue?: Ezekiel 34 | Episode 70
Welcome to another week of “This One Thing”. This week Crystal Wright reflects on a recurring theme she has observed over the last 20 years working with trauma survivors regarding the limits of human coping behaviors and the need for a Savio...
Season 3
Episode 70

Mercy in Motion: Matthew 9:13 | Episode 69
Welcome to another episode of "This One Thing." This week Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright discuss Jesus' challenge in Matthew 9:13 which clearly defines and reiterates what matters most to the God we serve. “Then he added, “Now go and l...
Season 3
Episode 69

Think on This!: Philippians 4:8 | Episode 42
Melina Puente shares her heart regarding this week's replay, "After recording this podcast a year ago (2/27/22) with Kerri, my conviction was to be intentional and have accountability in applying Philippians 4:8 which says, ”And now, dear br...
Season 2
Episode 42

The Law of Love: Galatians 6:2 | Episode 38
Happy Valentine's Day! In honor of tomorrow's celebration, we're replaying one of our favorite episodes that helps us to focus on our Heavenly Father's heart for us to love others as He loves us. Galatians 6:2 implores us, “Carry each other’...
Season 2
Episode 38

Heart of God: Isaiah 58:11 | Episode 68
Welcome to another week of "This One Thing" as Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright dive into Isaiah 58 and discuss the heart of God and how we can be assured of His promises to guide and care for us as we stay in step with His purposes in t...
Season 3
Episode 68

What's the Plan?: Ephesians 1:11 | Episode 67
Welcome back to "This One Thing" as we kick off our 3rd year! This week Kerri Keyon Dern and Melina Puente discuss the powerful truth Paul emphasizes to the believers in Ephesus. Together, they reflect on the heart of God’s incredible love a...
Season 3
Episode 67

Celebrating 2nd Anniversary: Episode 1 Replay | Psalm 27:4
Thank you for joining us as we celebrate "This One Thing" Podcast's 2nd anniversary! It is with great joy that we reflect on all God has done by replaying our very first episode. We are so grateful for all the feedback, blessings, and hope-f...
Season 3

Psalms, Prayer and Purpose.: Acts 16:25 | Episode 66
Welcome back to another episode of "This One Thing." This week Melina Puente and Crystal Wright discuss the challenges of remembering that our life circumstances must not dictate our life purpose as believers to constantly pursue God's glory...
Season 3
Episode 66

Walk in the Light: John 12:35 | Episode 65
Happy New Year and thank you for listening to a new episode of “This One Thing” with Crystal Wright and Melina Puente who share the hope and urgency in Jesus’ words to put their faith in Him. John 12:35 says, “Jesus replied, “My light ...
Season 3
Episode 65

For The Joy: Hebrews 12:2 | Episode 46
Merry Christmas! We will resume with new episodes of "This One Thing" in the New Year. You can listen and enjoy our Holiday Replays on the website at https://www.fetterfree.org/podcast<...
Season 2
Episode 46
God's Greatest Gift: Isaiah 9:6 | Episode 34
Merry Christmas! We will resume with new episodes of "This One Thing" in the New Year. You can listen and enjoy our Holiday Replays on the website at https://www.fetterfree.org/podcast<...
Season 2
Episode 34

Safeguarded Servants: Isaiah 54:17 | Episode 33
Merry Christmas! We will resume with new episodes of "This One Thing" in the New Year. You can listen and enjoy our Holiday Replays on the website at https://www.fetterfree.org/podcast<...
Season 2
Episode 33

Light of Life: John 1:5 | Episode 64
Thank you for joining us for “This One Thing”. This week Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright help prepare our hearts for advent by focusing on the life-giving light found solely in Jesus Christ. In this gospel account of Christ, the apostle...
Season 3
Episode 64

My Help Thus Far!
Welcome to episode 63 of “This One Thing” with Melina Puente and Crystal Wright. This week Melina and Crystal discuss the importance of remembering God's faithful response to the humble prayers of His people desperate for His help. Like us t...
Season 3
Episode 63

Vow of Victory: Psalm 7:17 | Episode 62
Welcome to "This One Thing" with Kerri Kenyon-Dern and Melina Puente as they share the power found in the vow David penned in Psalm 7 verse 17, “ I will thank the LORD for His righteousness and sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.”...
Season 3
Episode 62

Content in Christ: Philippians 4:12 | Episode 61
Thank you for joining us for "This One Thing". This week Melina Puente and Crystal Wright discuss the journey toward contentment and gratitude that each follower of Jesus makes as they learn to identify with the life of Christ in all circums...
Season 3
Episode 61

Choose Gratitude!: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 | Episode 60
Welcome to another episode of "This One Thing." This week Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright reflect on the importance of having a faith that is firmly rooted in gratitude and thanksgiving. Despite beatings, imprisonment, and threats again...
Season 3
Episode 60