This One Thing Podcast
This One Thing Podcast
Walk in the Light: John 12:35 | Episode 65
Happy New Year and thank you for listening to a new episode of “This One Thing” with Crystal Wright and Melina Puente who share the hope and urgency in Jesus’ words to put their faith in Him. John 12:35 says, “Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going.”
Do you feel the weight of the Gospel in your daily walk? Do you boldly encourage others or feel the urgency to share the powerful truth of the Gospel? Do you speak the Gospel over yourself daily to pursue a pure heart? Out of His great love for us, God has always made it clear that an essential choice between life and death lies before each one of us. Choosing life is to receive the love and forgiveness of God, and live a new life of obedience in response to His salvation. Jesus presented this same choice in the last week of His earthly life, and that same invitation is given to us today; salvation from darkness by responding to Him in faith and obedience. We pray that as you enter into 2023 you will experience freedom from the darkness as you choose to walk in the light.