This One Thing Podcast
This One Thing Podcast
Light of Life: John 1:5 | Episode 64
Thank you for joining us for “This One Thing”. This week Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright help prepare our hearts for advent by focusing on the life-giving light found solely in Jesus Christ. In this gospel account of Christ, the apostle John masterfully lays out a rich theology connecting Jesus directly to the eternal “Logos” who is the source of life; the only one who brings light into spiritual darkness. John 1:5 states, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Despite the reality of darkness being present in our world, we have been given the assurance of spiritual life and victory through the light of Jesus. We are protected from death and darkness in His presence because He IS life and light. As you celebrate the arrival of God's promised Son this advent season, we pray that you daily experience the Light that overcomes the darkness. Put your complete trust in Jesus and be renewed through His Word. He is the light of your life!