This One Thing Podcast
This One Thing Podcast
Heart of God: Isaiah 58:11 | Episode 68
Welcome to another week of "This One Thing" as Kerri Kenyon Dern and Crystal Wright dive into Isaiah 58 and discuss the heart of God and how we can be assured of His promises to guide and care for us as we stay in step with His purposes in this world. To pursue who God really is and what He cares about allows us to bear witness to the promises found in verse 11, “The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.”
What are your spiritual priorities heading into 2023? How do they line up with God’s heart? Do you struggle to accept that God’s priorities may differ from your understanding of what’s important? Speaking on behalf of God, Isaiah points out the reality of our failed attempts at thinking we know how to please and pursue God through our religious traditions and illuminates the power found in desiring His heart to love and serve others. Join us today as we share what God reveals as important to Him, and how our humble service towards those in need is connected to God’s assurance of care for us.