This One Thing Podcast
This One Thing Podcast
Foolishness or Power?: 1 Corinthians 1:18 | Episode 71
Welcome to another episode of "This One Thing". This week Crystal Wright and Melina Puente discuss the wordplay Paul uses between wisdom and foolishness with regard to the message of the Cross and the power of the gospel in the lives of those who receive it. In 1 Corinthians 1:18, he writes, “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”
Paul understood that mankind’s propensity to seek wisdom in their own understanding was true foolishness, leaving them without hope for redemption. Instead, the very thing considered foolish by the world, the extraordinary message of Christ crucified and resurrected, awakened the power and wisdom of God in those who believed! Have you been awakened to the message of the cross or are you still looking for your own answers to life’s purpose and problems? Do you look for opportunities to give the Gospel away? Do you find yourself with daily opportunities to live the message of the cross through humility, love, forgiveness, and compassion? Does the message of the cross continue to radically change your life? We pray that as you are bombarded each day with the world's philosophies and wisdom you will hold fast to the message of the cross that alone has the power to save and offer lasting peace.